20 gratitude prompts for daily thankfulness

20 gratitude prompts for daily thankfulness
If you're already practising the simple act of journaling, you might already know the power it has to encourage daily gratitude.

Gratitude journaling is like a daily dose of positivity. It helps you focus on the good things in life, fostering contentment, joy, and appreciation. It's a way to nurture your wellbeing, combat stress, and enhance self-awareness.

You can keep it short and sweet – just jot down some thoughts or a few words. The idea is to enjoy the process, not make it a chore. If you're short on time, try expressing your gratitude out loud during your daily commute, and when applying your favourite Embodyme Nurturing Body Oil at the start or end of your day. 

Here are our top 20 gratitude prompts to get you started:

  1. What am I grateful for today?
  2. What made me smile today?
  3. How did I take care of myself today?
  4. What acts did I receive today?
  5. Acts of kindness I did for others today
  6. Three goals for tomorrow
  7. What excites me to learn?
  8. What am I looking forward to?
  9. A personality trait I appreciate
  10. My life is better than a year ago because...
  11. A favourite photo and why I'm grateful for it
  12. Something I use daily that I'm thankful for
  13. Something about my health that I appreciate
  14. A friend I'm grateful for and why
  15. My proudest achievement
  16. What I like about myself
  17. The best gift I've received
  18. Five things I see right now that I'm grateful for
  19. Someone who inspires me
  20. Five things I'm working towards this year


Start with three of the prompts that speak to you the most. Try and take a moment to reflect on these daily, and see if this small commitment brings you more joy and more gratitude each day. 

Looking for more inspiration? Follow @embodyme_daily or sign up The Weekly to discover more ways to create your own Daily Rituals for Self Care each week.